Gifs and memes
Is there a difference?
Really I am not sure if it matters as it is just another way to tell a short story.
Today is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day.
I am a mother of three men. I know alllllll about grilled cheese.
When my son is gaming this is the call I get from the basement.
He did it the first time as a joke, but now he actually says it when he would like me to make him a grilled cheese. Since I rarely get to spend time with my grown children it is a pleasure to make him a sandwich. Happy Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day.
Really I am not sure if it matters as it is just another way to tell a short story.
Today is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day.
Who knew? |
And our Daily Digital Alchemy task was to create a short story about grilled cheese.
I am a mother of three men. I know alllllll about grilled cheese.
When my son is gaming this is the call I get from the basement.
He did it the first time as a joke, but now he actually says it when he would like me to make him a grilled cheese. Since I rarely get to spend time with my grown children it is a pleasure to make him a sandwich. Happy Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day.
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