#dda268 #netnarr Here is Your Unlikely Hero. Go.
Can you make any character the heroic center of a story? Try this one..
Need a disgusting character for ur fiction? Just sat next to a woman who picked off her fake nails 1 by 1 & then used 1 to pick her teeth.— Alyson Indrunas (@AlysonIndrunas) April 13, 2017
Take this character and write the opening paragraph to a story in which this unlikely person saves the internet from it’s dark, greedy overlords.
She stood there, in plain sight, working at separating each of her long fake nails from her nail bed. Slowly. No one stood beside her, no one dared get close. Even those who knew her were whispering, "Has she finally lost it? It must be the stress..." Someone inadvertently went to stand beside her, and she smiled at him as she shoved one of her fake nails between her teeth and removed a small piece of something from the gap. He hurriedly backed away. And then all eyes were no longer focused on her. She was forgotten. Unobserved. All eyes were on the "Big Five CEOs" as they entered the Committee hallway. Cries of "Mr Zuckerburg can you answer a few questions!" "Mr Page is it true that Alphabet...." "Mr Nadella!" "Bezos!" "Cook!"
Until she stepped forward, once again in the spotlight. 'Gentleman, welcome to the Senate Intelligence hearing. If you could come this way." She vigorously shook each man's hand and lead them into the chamber. She sat them down, asked if she could get them water, coffee, tea? Were they comfortable? Did they need a pen, notepad, anything at all? Smiling, smiling, smiling. She served them their drinks, made sure everything was appropriate and left. She was completely forgettable and was already forgotten before she left the room.
Each had received her little gift unknowingly. And would never know that they were now carriers for the computer biovirus that would rewrite not the internet but humans. Too bad they'd all be out of business soon....
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