Hitching up to Netnarr
So day one and half of getting into Digital Alchemy and Networked Narratives ( I am counting finding the Internet Mapping project as part of my half day as I don't have a printer hooked up to this computer and I need my husband to print it off which sounds so lame. But we've already blown one motherboard hooking up the printer since we've moved to Europe! And of course, I ask him after he has printed it the first time to please print it landscape- I received a serious eye roll.) This is the part I hate- not enrolling in new software or trying new things but doing the one thing that should be so fricking easy for me but never is- hooking up to an RSS feed. I approach it the way I approach a dog I don't know or a washer that won't work properly because it uses arcane symbols the Europeans all understand - who knew the alien eyeball symbol was for cotton for #&$% sake!!! "Easy there boy, easy. I won't hurt you just come and let me pet you , turn the washing on, hook up the RSS feed..." And damned if I am going to ask cogdog to hook me up like he had to for #etmooc. (But I will if I need to, I can handle swallowing my pride- I am old enough.)
Already on a learning curve and enjoying the bumpy ride!
Already on a learning curve and enjoying the bumpy ride!
You are here!
So much easier than #etmooc! Glad to be here!